Sunday, January 29, 2012

What happened to my country

My belief in this year being the end of the world is non-existent. my belief in this year being the end, or at least the start of the end of America keeps gaining strength. Certain bills restricting our freedoms of speech and our freedoms of expression are all anyone is talking about right now and now one has the president's seal of approval, ACTA. This following the recent outrage revolving around the national defense authorization act, another constitution disgracing allowing American citizens to be legally detained without due-process and without consideration for habius-corpus. It doesn't take a scholar to see just where this is going, first say goodbye to your right to discuss the government, then say goodbye to your right to discuss how you feel about corporations, after that expect more laws that outlaw homosexuality Because,let's face it the LGBT community is t the most well liked in this country just yet. After that, expect things to just get worse if you're not a white hederosexual male with money. Will the people of this great nation finally get off there apathetic contented asses and do something against this tyrannical monster we've allowed to fester and loom over our heads for far to long? Or we wither and wilt into complete submission and just watch as our beautiful country folds to the power of corruption and complacency? The year is 2012, our country is dying, and gods help me I'll die with it before I see it's rotted caracas raped with the pious fools draining its soul like a virus. I leave you with this in a world in which our freedoms are striped and our beliefs shattered do we stand and regain our place as men and women proud and tall, or do we cower and embrace the comfort of slavery? I say stand up and fight for that which we love, because once the noose is around our necks, we're all dead anyway.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F Kennedy

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